Wednesday 22 February 2012

Finishing our look at Greek Theatre...Watching Time Bandits

Today, my wonderful Thespians, we reviewed what we've been looking at in class Feb 14 - 17:  Greek Theatre, Aristotle's idea of the three unities, the famous tragedy of Oedipus Rex and the ancient Greek attitude towards arrogance/hubris.  It's been a simple look, but vital when you consider the influence that Greek studies has played in Western European culture--especially the arts.  

I'm sure that you have all done well on the quiz.  If not, you will have another opportunity to write it next week. 

In the meantime, we have been watching the film Time BanditsWe have talked about the wheel of fortune, the reversal of fortune and how Oedipus, for example, is a great man made low.  In Time Bandits, we see examples of men who are legendary greats portrayed as lesser people.  For example, Napoleon, who led his armies to conquer much of Europe as a great general, is portrayed as a petty little man who is predominantly concerned about his height.  On the other hand, there are seemingly random events that occur in this picaresque journey of the young boy and the bandits (plot summary).

Tuesday 21 February 2012

My bus was cancelled today! Oh No!

Our quiz will not be post-poned--it's very simple and we will have a good review prior to writing it.  Just remember, please, to bring a pen/pencil with you to class!

Friday 17 February 2012

Hipokrits, Oedipus and Dear Abby....

We were able to use computers over the past week to do some research on Greek Theatre.  We will be having a quiz on Wednesday, February 22.

Here's what you will need to know:

1. theatron, parados, orchestra, skene, proskenion:  where do they go on that diagram of a Greek amphitheatre?

2.  Be able to match these terms to the appropriate definition:

a) unity of time, unity of place, unity of time;  b) Sophocles;
c) deus ex machina; d) dithyramb; e) hipokrit; f) Thespis;
g) Dionysus;  h) patron/choregos;  i) Oedipus Rex; j) chorus

3.  Are you able to write a three sentence summary of the story of Oedipus?  Sophocles' tragedy, Oedipus Rex, is the classic tale of a great man made low through extreme pride.  What does his story tell us about human beings, fate, and free will?

Here's some great background information to help you study and learn more....

After the quiz, we will be reading the Dear Abby letters you wrote based on these three choices:

a) I've learned that I am fated to do something.....

b) I've discovered something terrible about my family.....

c) I've done something wrong and I know I need to be punished....

These letters are due Tuesday, February 21--make sure I get two copies--one with your name on it, one anonymous and unidentifiable for the class to use!

You can have fun with these letters (i.e., oh no, my family is from another planet) or be more serious....just remember that you are writing-in-role.  We may use our own knowledge and experience to create new scenarios, but these are characters we will be exploring, not our own lives. :)

Have a great Family Day weekend!

Thursday 2 February 2012

Dear Abby Story Starters....

It was great to see your scenes based on the Dear Abby letters. 

If you have been absent, please make sure you have an admit when you come back to class.

Don't forget to return your golden letters signed by your self and by your parent/guardian.